Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween has come and gone and the kids had a great time. Catherine and I took the kids trick or treating in the neighborhood and to our surprise, Aubrey was leading the way at each house. She was racing from door to door anxious to see her bucket fill up. School has been good for her and she is becoming more and more a social butterfly. It took Dallin a few doors before he got into the spirit of things but he soon warmed up and had a great time. The picture on the left is the kids with their neighbor friends (Morgan and Sydney).
We are now left with more candy than we had imagined and not sure what to do with it. I need to find some way to get rid of it or I will find myself back in my dentists chair getting another root canal. For those of you who know me and my side of the family, we have a history of soft enamel, a sweet tooth, and frequent visits to the dentists. I think it is fair to say that I most likely paid for my dentists recent wedding, house, car, etc. and have secured her financial future. In the short time (4 years) that I have been in Tennessee I have had 7 root canals and many fillings. Thank you mom for passing this part of your family genes onto me. Of all that you have given me, this is not one that I like to brag about! I must admit however that I don't give my soft enamel much of a fighting chance either. In my office at work I have a large jar of hot tamales that sits on my desk and I catch myself dipping into the jar regularly throughout the day. What can I say, I love those things...I will say however that it has been just over a year that I have had to do anything more than a regular cleaning at the dentist office. (As I am typing this I am knocking on wood)

The kids have been sick all week with a pretty bad cough. It appears that it is sweeping through our ward as most of our nursery and a good portion of our primary were out sick today. Dallin seems to have the worst of it. The countdown clock has begun and I am sure it is only a matter of time before it finds it way to Catherine and I.

Catherine took this picture this morning of Justin and Dallin dressed alike and partnered up for trouble. Oh they may look innocent but this is only a disguise! In all honesty, I have really been impressed with Justin lately. He is becoming a little man. The past few Sunday's, Catherine has had to take Dallin out of sacrament and when she does in many cases Aubrey will follow. This leaves Justin all alone on the bench (when our friend Janie isn't there) and I have enjoyed watching him act all grown up, very quiet and well behaved. He doesn't seem bothered to be sitting there by himself and if truth be told is probably enjoying his moment of being the big kid on the bench alone. This December he will turn 8 and be baptized. We are all pretty excited, especially Justin and it will be the next big milestone in our family.

The next picture is of Catherine and Aubrey. I am holding onto this one as it is a rare moment for me to see both of them smiling together. One is usually trying the patience of the other. I think this is payback for all that Catherine put her mother through when she was a kid. I hope there is no interest attached!
For those that haven't seen Catherine in awhile, she is sporting a new hairdo. It took alot for her to take the risk to try something new. I personally think it looks it always does.

The Wayments


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Justin is almost 8. It seems like just yesterday he was still getting use to primary, newly out of Sunbeams....

It makes me realize just how long and how much we love this ward and our ward family.

Braden Bell said...

YOu have a lovely family. Great pictures. I'm so glad you are in our ward and our friends. Not sure about the soft enamel, though. DId I tell you my family has a hereditary double chin and pot belly? It's not MY fault...

Diana Sims said...

Great pictures! I enjoyed reading your blog. I also enjoy a ward with such neat people in it! Thanks for all you do to help me with my questions or concerns in YW. We always enjoy when you visit our class and your input. Thanks!! Our blog is:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Leon and I have grown so much in the ward, guess that's why Heavenly Father has firmly planted us here.

The Miller's said...

HEY GUYS!!!!! Its Matt and Whitney. So glad to see you guys are in the blogging world. Check us out at


The Karrens said...

I also think Catherine's hair is gorgeous. You have such a cute family.

Jamie said...

wow! hey! SO glad to hear what is going on with you! The pictures are wonderful! We miss you! We have just started our own blog... check it out at

Unknown said...

Great blog! SO glad I saw it!